Ray Edwards Copywriter Biography

Learn from The Life and Career of a Copywrite Legend

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Introduction to Ray Edwards Copywriter Biography

The Ray Edwards copywriter Biography chronicles how he became a well-known American entrepreneur, author, podcaster, and copywriter. He is a leading authority on direct response marketing and crafting persuasive copywriting.

Edwards has decades of experience helping businesses generate sales through effective copywriting and marketing strategies. He is the creator of the proven PASTOR copywriting framework writers use worldwide.

Early Life

Details about Ray Edwards’ early life are limited, but we know he was born with the full name Raymond Aaron Edwards in Montana in 1959.

He spent his childhood in Oklahoma before moving to Nashville in his 20s to pursue a music career. The exact date and city of his birth does not appear to be publicly documented.


Early Career

He started his first recording studio, Maranatha Music Publishing, 1994 in Nashville. Maranatha published Christian sheet music, songbooks, and arrangements.

Some of their popular, published works were gospel songbooks and youth choir music. Edwards drew upon his music background and connections in the Nashville scene to run the publishing company. It gave him experience in content creation, licensing, and distribution which helped his later online businesses.

Maranatha Music Publishing ultimately served as Edwards’ entry into the world of running a business and generating high-volume sales. The company became successful within the Christian music publishing niche during the 1990s.

It provided a foundation that enabled Edwards’ transition into information marketing services and training in the 2000s.

Mike Bone Drawing of Ray Edwards
Mike Bone Drawing of Ray Edwards


Edwards cites several key influences on his education in marketing and copywriting.

One was John Carlton, a well-known marketing person. John taught Ray directly and gave him helpful advice on how to write good sales copy.

Another teacher was Gary Halbert, a famous writer. Gary helped invent many of the marketing methods Ray later used and taught others.

Then there was Dan Kennedy. He was a successful marketing consultant and helped start a marketing program called “The Renegade Millionaire.” Dan’s lessons were very helpful for Ray when learning about how to sell things through his writing.

Breakthrough Success

Edwards succeeded when he transitioned to online marketing services and training in the early 2000s.

He saw the rise of the internet as a tremendous opportunity to reach a wider audience by pivoting to online business models and began shifting his companies and offerings into digital products and services. This included ebooks, email newsletters, membership sites, online courses, and virtual coaching programs.

Edwards focused heavily on leveraging his copywriting and marketing expertise to help clients promote their own online businesses through his digital services.

His transition to information marketing allowed him to sell his knowledge and skills at scale on the Internet. He started teaching copywriting and direct response marketing methods through online training programs.

Recent Projects

In 2018, Ray Edwards launched Copywriting Academy, a comprehensive online training program and community focused on copywriting and conversion optimization for businesses. It offers in-depth courses that teach Edwards’ proven PASTOR copywriting framework through engaging video lessons.

Copywriting Academy consolidates Edwards’ expertise into an immersive digital education platform, including member forums, live coaching calls, templates, and other resources to equip copywriters.

Ray Edwards Show Podcast

Ray Edwards launched his popular Ray Edwards Show podcast back in 2011 as an additional platform beyond his blog to share long-form audio content focused on marketing, copywriting, business, and personal growth insights. Edwards had already been blogging regularly at RayEdwards.com since 2003.

The weekly show has aired over 600 episodes since first premiering over a decade ago. Originally co-hosted with business partners in the early years, it eventually transitioned to spotlighting Edwards’ teachings and interviews.

The Ray Edwards Show - Podcast
The Ray Edwards Show – Podcast

Consistently ranked as one of the top business and marketing podcasts, The Ray Edwards Show has allowed Edwards to expand his educational reach and share his copywriting expertise with an engaged audience for many years.

Based on reviewing episodes of The Ray Edwards Show podcast, here are some of the common subjects and topics covered:

  • Copywriting tips and techniques – How to write effective sales copy, headlines, hooks, etc.
  • Marketing strategies – Traffic generation, lead magnets, funnel building, positioning, etc.
  • Entrepreneurship – Mindset, productivity, goal-setting, outsourcing, etc. for business owners.
  • Persuasion and influence – Using research and psychology for more compelling messaging.
  • Book summaries – Key lessons from bestselling business and personal development books.
  • Habits – Forming positive habits, eliminating bad habits, behavior change.
  • Personal finance – Wealth building, saving, investing, retirement planning.
  • Spiritual development – Discussing faith, purpose, character, and gratitude.
  • Interviews with authors, experts, and influencers in various fields.
  • Tools and Software – Reviews of apps and resources Ray uses in business and life.
  • Motivation and mindset – Inspiring stories, overcoming adversity, positive thinking.

Publish Works

“How to Write Copy That Sells” came first, published as his foundational copywriting book in 2007, followed by the storytelling-focused “The Story Formula” in 2013 and the mindset-focused “Permission to Prosper” in 2019, leading up to his upcoming personal development title “Read This or Die!” in 2023.

"Read This or Die" Ray Edwards book
“Read This or Die” Ray Edwards’s book

Awards and Recognition

He has been featured on SocialMediaExaminer.com and Entrepreneur.com.

Ray Edwards has helped many famous authors make money thanks to his great marketing ideas and copywriting. Superstar writers like Tony Robbins and Russell Brunson have made over $500 million with Edwards’ help selling more books.

Ray Edwards and Russel Brunson
Ray Edwards and Russell Brunson

His skill at writing persuasive copy and promotions has helped big names like Jack Canfield sell more. Edwards has shown he can get major results for authors. His marketing smarts have helped many writers become very successful.

Ray Edwards is a master copywriter and marketing expert with a proven record of skyrocketing revenue for major brands and authors. Any business looking to increase sales through compelling messaging and promotions should hire Edwards to work his magic. You can sign up to work with Ray`s team and leverage your results by applying at Ray Edwards Copywriting Agency.

Don’t miss this opportunity to collaborate with a world-class copywriter and convert browsers into buyers.

Personal Life

Private Life

Ray Edwards has happily married his wife, Lynn Edwards, since March 23, 1985. Together they have two adult daughters.

Edwards and his family are active members of the Christian faith and their local church community. They reside in the Inland Northwest region of the United States, where Edwards operates his copywriting agency and online education platforms. His family and faith provide a strong foundation from which he has built his prosperous career and life.

Edwards is also a dog lover and has two beloved pugs. One named Bobby Shaftoe, after a character from one of his favorite science fiction novels, Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson from 1999, and Princess Buttercup, after a character played by Robin Wright in his favorite movie, The Princess Bride from 1987.

He even made an Instagram page for them. Check it out!

Ray Edwardss Dogs


Reasons for Ray Edwards’ Limp

Ray Edwards has been limping for several reasons. He has had knee injuries over the years, needing surgery and rehab. Edwards was also in a motorcycle crash that hurt his leg and pelvis, which can cause lasting issues with walking normally. In 2018 he had total hip replacement surgery due to arthritis, sometimes leading to limping afterward. Back pain treatments also indicate he has spinal issues impacting his mobility. General aging and joint wear from an active life contribute too. It seems Edwards’ limp results from multiple factors – prior injuries, hip surgery, back problems, and getting older. But he stays active despite the challenge.

Ray Edwards Parkinson’s Disease

In a webinar I watched live on August 4, 2023, Ray Edwards talked about the excuses people give for not creating content and starting writing. He said he has Parkinson’s disease, as he wrote on his website, but he does not let the disease limit him in any way. Even with Parkinson’s for almost twelve years, Ray Edwards writes books and creates online content. He does not let his condition be an excuse to stop him from achieving his goals.

Hobbies & Interests

Edwards is a man with many different interests and hobbies, one of the oldest being photography.

Today I got into an Uber with this camera. The Canon EOS R, with the 28-70mm lens. It is a beast.
The Uber driver looked in the mirror and said, "Are you a photographer?"
I hesitated. And I said, "No, it's just a hobby."
 Why did I say that? Why do any of us say such things? 
I think it's because we're afraid people will laugh at us, disapprove of our work, or say, "No, you're not."
If you write poetry, novels, short stories, blog posts, whatever-you ARE a writer. It's not "just a hobby."
If you take photos, you're a photographer. It's not "just a hobby."
I've included some of the photos I've taken. Obviously, I am a photographer.
I'm working on a new habit: owning everything I do and not hiding behind weak excuses like "it's just a hobby."
Next time: "Yes, I am a photographer.”
What about you? Is there something in your life you need to step up and “own”? 
Ray Edwards on Instagram on the 26 July 2019.

Another one of his passions is tattoos. He always shares when a new “project” takes place.

Ray Edwardss Tattoos
"The day is today, January 3rd. I have a “memento mori” tattoo on my left forearm. This Latin phrase means, roughly: “remember one day you must die”. It’s a practice of being aware of death not for morbid purposes but so that we may live more fully. This is why on my opposite arm, I have a tattoo that reads “vita abundant,” which means “live abundantly.” Do you have a “memento Moro” tattoo? Post a pic and tag me, and I will repost it to my story (as long as you’re not nekkid)."


*published in Ray`s Instagram

Fitness is important to Edwards, who works out regularly to stay in shape. He also deeply appreciates music, playing guitar and piano, and listening to his favorite genres like rock, jazz, and blues.

Edwards loves to travel, often taking trips domestically and abroad with his family to experience new places and cultures.

He is also an avid sports fan, closely following and rooting for his favorite NFL football and NBA basketball teams.

Social Networks


Ray Edwards Official Website
Ray Edwards Official Website


Ray Edwards on Facebook
Ray Edwards on Facebook



Ray Edwards on Instagram
Ray Edwards on Instagram


Ray Edwards on LinkedIn
Ray Edwards on LinkedIn


Ray Edwards on Youtube
Ray Edwards`s Youtube Channel

Books Written and Published by Ray Edwards

F.A.Q. about Ray Edwards

What is Ray Edwards best known for?

Ray Edwards is best known for being an expert copywriter and marketing consultant who helps businesses increase sales through effective copywriting and promotions.

What is the PASTOR copywriting framework Ray Edwards uses?

PASTOR is Ray Edwards’ proven formula for writing high-converting sales copy using identifying the Person/Problem/Pain, Amplifying it, Sharing the Solution, proving Transformation, making an Offer, and prompting the desired Response.

What makes Ray Edwards an authority on copywriting?

Ray Edwards’ decades of copywriting experience, bestselling books, successful marketing agency, and proven results for major clients establish him as an authority.

What is Copywriting Academy?

Copywriting Academy is an online training program, and community focused on copywriting and conversion optimization for businesses. It offers in-depth courses that teach Edwards’ proven PASTOR copywriting framework through engaging video lessons.

What books has Ray Edwards written and published?

Ray Edwards has written and published several books, including “How to Write Copy That Sells,” “The Story Formula,” “Permission to Prosper,” and “Read This or Die!: Persuading Yourself To a Better Life.”

Quotes from Ray Edwards

“Copywriting is the art of using words to persuade people to take some form of action.”

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

“The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.”

“The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.”

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

“The biggest mistake people make in life is not trying to make a living at doing what they most enjoy.”

“Your story is the most powerful thing you own.”

“If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do, and you’ll achieve the same results.”

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

Attention: All photos in this article were taken from the author’s social public pages, and all copyrights do not belong to us.

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